Saving from Locker In-App Browsing (Explore Page in the Locker App)
We added a new feature! Now you can do your browsing in the Locker app from the Explore page.
- Search Google for any product
- Find the product you want to save
- Click the “+” button at the bottom of the screen
- Choose your collection (or make a new one) and to add it to your Locker (video below)
- Then keep browsing the internet to add more products ✨
Saving from Safari
Once the Locker mobile app is installed and you have logged in, it can be used to help you save your favorite products from any online shopping website! When you see a product you want, instead of taking a screenshot, keeping tabs open, or adding it to your notes app, you can save it to Locker in seconds.
- Find the product you want to save
- Scroll to the product image/color you want to save.
- Click the share button (box with the up arrow) at the bottom center of your browser screen or within the shopping app (image examples below)
- Choose your desired Locker collection (or make a new one) by clicking the collection drop down. You can then finalize the desired product image (If you're not seeing your desired product image automatically, you can click “Continue in App” to choose from more product image options).

Saving from Retailer App